Delibere Giunta Delibere Consiglio Bandi di Gara Avvisi Pubblici Albo Pretorio Amministrazione Trasparente
VERY IMPORTANT "Case a 1 Euro"
02 febbraio 2018 alle 12:47:00 IT - OLLOLAI 2018

The municipality of Ollolai is very pleased to know that the project "Case a 1 Euro" is having such an international recognition.


Here's all the informations about the procedure. If you're interested you have to fill the form (MODULO DI PARTECIPAZIONE) you find at this link

  In the form, you would express your interest and you would commit to: restore and renovate the house you choose within three years, start the renovation in a year and stipulate an insurance policy (1000 €) with the municipality to guarantee that the renovation is actually done. 

The form and a copy of your passport must be sent to one of these emails: -


In case of multiple people interested in a single house the municipality assigns the property following the order of the date of submission.


PLEASE BEWARE THAT: the form must be sent by February the 7th 2018 and there's already multiple requests exceeding the number of houses available.


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